Sunday, July 2, 2023

Ministay Ramsgate (June 23)

At the end of the course 22-23 some students from 4º ESO spent a week in Ramsgate (UK). They travelled to England for a short English language course, to stay with English families, to visit new places and have fun!! Find here a selection of the best moments we had during this trip: 1) Ramsgate Ramsgate 23 2) Visit to London Visit to London 23 3) Visit to Canterbury Visit to Canterbury 23

Spring Week (May 23)

Some 2º ESO students could enjoy a week staying in a camp in Os Peares (Ourense) for a "Spring Week", find here some photos of their stay there: Spring Week 23

Digital Week (November 22)

In November we had the chance to be part of an English camp for students to work in English and improve their digital skills. These are some pics of our students from 3º ESO during their stay for "Digital Week" autumn camp 2022: Digital Week 22

Halloween 23!!

This is an example of Halloween pumpkin competition in our school... Click on the link HERE to see the pictures.